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NEWANNOUNCEMENTUser Segmentation Now Live!
* Advanced Sorting: Quickly and efficiently sort your user base into defined categories, making
data handling and customer interactions more streamlined.
* Segmentation Capabilities: Users can now categorize and manage their customer base based on
various criteria such as purchasing behavior, demographics, and more.
* Tailored Communication: With the new user segmentation, you can send targeted messages or
campaigns to specific user groups, ensuring more relevant and personalized interactions.
* Insightful Analytics: With enhanced analytics, better understand the behavior and preferences of
different customer segments, enabling more informed decision-making.
* Streamlined User Experience: Efficiently manage and locate segmented user data with an intuitive
user interface.
Thank you for your feedback and support in bringing this feature to life. We continue to work
towards enhancing your experience and value your input in shaping our platform's future.
For any queries or further information on utilizing user segmentation, please refer to our User
Guide or contact our support team.
You and your guests will both get read receipts so you know if a message has been seen. Plus, you
can now share checkout instructions faster with new quick replies. With read receipts, Hosts and
guests can tell if their messages have been read.
Once you or your guests have read a message sent through the app, a read indicator appears just
below the last message in the message thread. By default, all users will have read receipts turned
on by early June. To turn them off, go to the Privacy and sharing section of your account settings.
Now you can add checkout instructions directly on Airbnb, similar to the way you enter standard
house rules.
Quickly create a checkout list by selecting from these common tasks:
* Gather used towels
* Throw rubbish away
* Turn things off
* Lock up
* Return keys
You can add details for each task. For example, you might specify that guests put rubbish in one bin
and recycling in another. You can also write requests that are specific to your home, such as
covering the grill after use.
We’ll send guests an automatic reminder with your checkout time and instructions. This is sent as a
push notification to your guest’s mobile device the day before checkout at 5.00pm in the time zone
where they’re staying.
Guests need to have the Rental app downloaded and push notifications enabled to receive this
reminder. Once they check out, guests can let you know they’ve left with a single tap or click.